A couple of people took some interest in my adventures. Here are a the resulting
About the Statesman article, I just want to be clear on a couple of points. First, I never thumped my chest and second, it is NOT "all about me". My life doesn't work without the support of my friends and family. Yes, it is up to me to do the work to achieve my goals in life. But I could not have accomplished a fraction of what I have done in the last five years without a lot of help.
On that note I want to say thanks to... Pat and Ginger Corn, Kevin Corn, Wes Aylor, Jenifer Bryan, Jason McDaniel, Dave Carapetyan, Paul Carapetyan, Juan Meza, David Matuschak, David Aldrich, Kim and George Martinez, Trevor Baldock, Buck McDowell, Tiger Davis, Aaron Jones, Rene Ness, Bo Rivers, Eric Beverding, Bill Harmon, Dan Scanlon, Jenny and Terry Mathys, Jeff Schaadt, Larry Matlock, John Osmon, Dan Pedroza, David Garner, Mark Gillett, Marcus Laporte, Kelly Crist, John Hale, Andrew Nguyen, Jerrett Jan, Spencer Lowry, Thomas VandenOever, Jennifer and James Buratti, Robyn Herry, Robert Sharp, Benjamin Ellinger, Larisa Simone, Lori Niva, Damon Laird, Hal Collins, Harris Hill Road, Cowboy Honda Kyle, www.risinglotus.net , Apex Cycles, Rally Ready Motorsports and many more.
Austin American Statesman article : Insightful but off on some key facts. When he admitted that he didn't know what the Baja 1000 was I knew that he could never really get me. I wish I had made him watch Dust to Glory and Worlds Fastest Indian before he even interviewed me.
A video interview on Peckhammer.blip.tv :
I will be racing with the CMRA on a Graves Yamaha R1 for 2010.
Don't worry, I will be back on the Peak again in 2010.